
Chapter 6 : Are you cybersmart? 
Résultat de recherche d'images pour "cartoon social networks"

Chapter 5 : From Slavery to Segregation

The Problem We All Live With, Norman Rockwell, 1964


Chapter 4 : Finding the perfect odd job! 
Résultat de recherche d'images pour "BEST JOBS IN THE WORLD"
Apply for one of the best jobs in the world. 
Make a video (between 45 s and 1 minute) 
You will : 

-> introduce yourself (name, age, nationality...)
-> talk about the job you have chosen (definition, tasks, your motivations) 
-> talk about your qualities and experiences 


Chapter 3 The Cinema Madness. 
Watch the trailer and find out what we are going to talk about in this new chapter : 

Edward Hopper, New York Movie, 1939

Interlude : Diary of a Wimpy Kid. 

Here you can read another extract from the book : 

Résultat de recherche d'images pour "halloween diary of a wimpy kid"An unexpected guest for Halloween....

or watch another extact from the film : 

  Chapter 2 : Is School Cool in the USA?    

If you want to rehearse for the Pledge of Allegiance : 


          Chapter 1 : My Wonderful Holiday !

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