Tuesday 10 October 2017

Meeting an American School in Illinois!

Dear Marie M.,
We are a second grade class that is interested in learning more about different countries, their schools, and their cultures.  Please answer the following questions for us:
1.What is the weather like where you live?
2.Do you live in a big or small city?
3.What are some of the subjects you learn in school?
4.What is the main language?  Do the students speak any other language(s)?
5.What is your favorite school subject?
6.How do students get to school?  ride in a car or bus?  walk?  ride in a taxi or cab?
7.What types of activities do people do for fun in your country?
8.What do students do after school?  any sports?  classes?
9.How many brothers and sisters do you have in your family?
10.Do you celebrate any holidays?
Please include any other information that you think would be helpful to us in learning more about your country and culture.  Have a great day!
Second Grade CLass
Allen School
Aurora, Illinois   United States