Tuesday 10 October 2017

Meeting an American School in Illinois!

Dear Marie M.,
We are a second grade class that is interested in learning more about different countries, their schools, and their cultures.  Please answer the following questions for us:
1.What is the weather like where you live?
2.Do you live in a big or small city?
3.What are some of the subjects you learn in school?
4.What is the main language?  Do the students speak any other language(s)?
5.What is your favorite school subject?
6.How do students get to school?  ride in a car or bus?  walk?  ride in a taxi or cab?
7.What types of activities do people do for fun in your country?
8.What do students do after school?  any sports?  classes?
9.How many brothers and sisters do you have in your family?
10.Do you celebrate any holidays?
Please include any other information that you think would be helpful to us in learning more about your country and culture.  Have a great day!
Second Grade CLass
Allen School
Aurora, Illinois   United States


  1. hello Mrs
    I'm Camille Grange, a pupil, of Mrs Mazeau. I'm in 9th grade and I'll try to answer your questions
    1-In France the weather is somtimes sunny somtimes cloudy or rainy.
    2-I live in a small city next to Paris.
    4-We learn English and German or Spanish.
    5-My favorite subjects are English, history and French.
    9-I have 2 sisters.

    Camille grange,

  2. Hello,
    My name is Adèle and i am in 9th grade.
    1) It change but i think it is sunny and a little cloudy.
    2) I live in a small city, next to disneyland Paris.
    3) We learn french, english, spanish, sciences, maths …
    4) The main langage is french and we learn english because it's a langage much spoken and spanish (or german).
    5) I think it's sciences.
    6) I go to school in car but also i walk !
    7) Me, i do climbing and clarinet … but he has dance, sing, activities manual …
    8) It depends but after school, i do my homeworks and i take a shower ! =)
    9) I have a little brother who haves four years old.
    10) We celebrate christmas, halloween, easter, music festival ( july, fourteenth ).
    Jacqueline de Romilly middle school
    Adèle, Magny-le-hongre, France

  3. Hello everyone !
    My name is Meylise Phok,I am in 9th grades and I am also Mrs Mazeau's pupil. And I will answer your questions.

    1. The weather is sometimes suuny, cloudy or rainy
    2. I live in a small city next to Disneyland
    3. In school we learn some languages( english, spanish/german), math, science, computers, history, french, chemical...
    4. My main language is the French (I'm french) and I can speak Cambogdia, English, Spanish and a little bit of Chinese
    5. My favorites subjects in school are English and Spanish
    6. I get to school by car
    7. We can go watch a movie, do shopping or go to Disneyland
    8. After school, I do music and sport
    9. I have 2 sisters
    10. I celebrate Halloween and Christmas

    Meylise Phok

  4. 1) At Magny (the city where we live), there is an oceanic climate. Indeed, during the summer, the temperature is around twenty degrees. But sometimes, it can vbe thirty degrees. In the autumn, it ioften rains. In winter, it is very cold ! It is about zero degree but he doesn’t snow much. During the spring, there is the flowering and he does ten degrees.

    ​2) Magny le Hongre is a small city but it is very close to Disneyland Paris, at five minutes. She is also near Paris, at forty five minutes (if there is no traffic jam !). Magny le Hongre is a very modern city. Before, it was a very small city with a lot of fields, but the fields disappear progressively.

    ​3) In school, we learn of course the French, the mathematics, the history/geography, the biology, the chemistry. We learn also the art, the music, the Spanich, the English, the technology and that's it.

    ​4) The main language is the French but there are English classes.

    ​5) My favorite school subject is the Spanish and sport.

    ​6) The majority of students come to school on foot or by bus. Some students come by car but nobody comes by taxi.

    ​9) I have one brother so we are four in my family.

    ​10) Yes, we celebrate Halloween and of course Christmas.
